Nicolás’ decision to pursue civil engineering arose after a childhood visit to the construction of two large bridges over the Paraná River. Having always enjoyed building devices solve problems, a career in engineering was the logical next step—he’s never looked back.
Believing that a simple solution is often the best,?Nicolás is focused on the analysis and review of hydroelectric projects and hydraulic works. He performs drainage modeling and hydrodynamic events simulation by developing mathematical and physical models to develop solutions that respond to client needs. Nicolás?has also participated in and coordinated geotechnical investigation groups to determine and quantify leaks on major projects. This includes water balance and design and evaluation of networks monitoring phreatic levels and modeling, representing, and forecasting future conditions.
Notably,?Nicolás worked on the Yacyretá Dam project as a hydraulic engineer, and the third set of locks at the Panama Canal as hydraulic leader and design engineer. He found these projects to be incredibly rewarding due to their magnitude, exposure, and the significant challenges that came along with them.