Change happens. When clients are facing or forecasting water resources challenges related to changes (such as climate, sea level rise, hydrologic variability, or population), Jamil works with expert teams to identify adaptation solutions that maximize quadruple bottom line benefits. He has more than 20 years of hydrology and water resources planning and management experience, and he specializes in evaluations for large-scale water infrastructure projects. He focuses on multiple objective projects (ecosystem restoration, flood risk management, water supply reliability, and/or navigation improvement) that require technical and political understanding of the federal, state, and local water resources management systems.
Jamil is a certified professional hydrologist (PH), project management professional (PMP), and environmental sustainability professional (ENV SP). He’s an active member of the American Water Resources Association (AWRA) and is Past-President of the American Institute of Hydrology (AIH).
Like all hydrologists, Jamil is a water geek and bores (or fascinates) his family and non-water professional friends with water facts wherever they go.?