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Jason Mann

Senior Ecologist

Photo of Jason

As a senior ecologist, Jason gets to enjoy the great outdoors nearly every day. His 16 years of experience includes conducting wetland delineations, natural resources surveys, and threatened and endangered species investigations. Jason uses the information collected in the field to prepare technical reports for wetland delineations and assessments, environmental constraints analysis, and environmental assessments.

His work sets projects in motion—because before you break ground, Jason can coordinate with regulatory agencies and provide support to regulatory staff on state and federal permitting to satisfy multiple regulation requirements. These requirements have included the Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, VA Endangered Plant & Insect Species Act, Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act, Section 62.1-3 of the Code of VA, Federal Section 404 Permits, and State 401 Certificates.

And if you want to learn something, you should ask him about the small whorled pogonia (Isotria medeoloides), because Jason knows all about it too.

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