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Providing construction management services and community engagement and outreach during a water mains replacement project

At a Glance

  • $27M

    Construction Value

  • 64K

    Linear Feet Replaced

  • 2K+

    Home Water Services

Queens, New York
  • NYC Dept. of Design & Construction
  • NYC Department of Environmental
  • NYC Department of Transportation
  • Munoz Engineering
NYC Department of Design & Construction

Resident Engineering and Inspection Services for Water Mains Replacement

In South Queens, New York, water main pipes were installed before the 1940s and have exceeded their design life. The old cast-iron water mains were susceptible to water main breaks and needed replacing throughout the neighborhood. Old lead service connections to half the residences needed replacing as well. New York City engaged us to manage the pipeline project in this dense urban environment.

We provided construction management services for the replacement of old unlined cast iron pipes. Throughout the project, we kept the residential community and commercial businesses informed and up to date of all scheduled water service disruptions. This large infrastructure project required constant communication as the construction sites constantly changed and impacted different residents, businesses, pedestrian and vehicular traffic, historic and adjacent structures, emergency access, and utilities. We coordinated with other agencies and provided door-to-door notifications for water interruption and resumption notices. All of these aspects of the project were successfully managed, resolved, coordinated, and documented by our resident engineering and inspection services team.

With new ductile iron pipes, resilient valves, and hydrants, the community can enjoy improved water quality, better water pressure, and a reliable drinking water supply into the future.

At a Glance

  • $27M

    Construction Value

  • 64K

    Linear Feet Replaced

  • 2K+

    Home Water Services

Queens, New York
  • NYC Dept. of Design & Construction
  • NYC Department of Environmental
  • NYC Department of Transportation
  • Munoz Engineering
NYC Department of Design & Construction

Meet Our Team

Paul Whitener, Principal

My focus is on driving projects with transparency between all stakeholders and growing our reputation in the communities that we serve.

Paul Whitener


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    Partner with us today to change how tomorrow looks. You¡¯re exactly what¡¯s needed to help us make it happen in your community.

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    Work with passionate people who are experts in their field. Our teams love what they do and are driven by how their work makes an impact on the communities they serve.

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