Involve comms teams at earliest stages of any projects
June 24, 2022
June 24, 2022
In Infrastructure Intelligence, Alicia de Haldevang joins a panel discussing how infrastructure and construction companies can communicate better
Shaping the narrative of any campaign from the start, positive collaboration, and not being afraid to get the right messages across all figured highly on the agenda of four leading industry PR’s at an Infrastructure Intelligence webinar, organised in association with events and communications specialists BECG.?
Given the importance of the industry to the nation’s health and wealth, the panellists outlined what, and how, construction and infrastructure companies need to do to ensure that their work is better promoted - and that they receive due credit for the impact they make on society.
Involving PR and comms teams at the earliest possible stages of any project, and engaging positively with a range of communities, stakeholders, partners and clients were the major themes to emerge.?
Read the full round up article and watch the recording in .